“The Stigmata of Auschwitz” is the brief story of the life and love of Rebekah and Gabriel
The two main characters of the story are a young Jewish couple whose life is cut short of bringing their young child up and been sacrificed to an evil Nazi ideology.

The story takes place between March 1938 to September 1941. In the time of Shoah.
Gabriel is from Budapest Hungary where he is sent on a mission to Munkács Western Ukraine there he meets Rebekah who is a resident in Munkács where they fall in love, marry and settle in the town where the population is 42% Jewish.
They build up a successful business and public persona where he becomes a Councillor representing the Jewish community. She is member of Union of Jewish Women.
They build up a successful business Have a much loved baby son and an enviable lifestyle.
But their dream is destroyed by the antisemitism and the outbreak of the second World War when their life is ruined by the ruling fascist elite consequently they are deported and murdered by evil people in Auschwitz.
However their two year old son is rescued and raised by their neighbour.


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